Sunday, July 03, 2005

Too long without posting

Life has been relatively good to me lately, so I have not felt the need to vent, which is, after all, the point of this blog. I shall try to find more to be gloomy about and post more regularly in the future.

In the meantime, here is an essay written by my daughter for a school project:

Does the Media Have a Liberal Bias?

Does the mainstream media have a liberal bias? Like Al Franken said “On a couple things, maybe.” Occasionally a news station will take a different side on an issue or try to be fair or truthful on an issue. Which might make some conservatives distrustful because they are not showing the side they wish to see. And it’s usually the conservatives that are doing the accusing. Most of time you could rarely consider news media liberal.
A lot of issues come into hand with what the media covers and why. Advertising, the news media company holders, and what’s marketable are some of the main things they have to keep in mind. Advertisers and the men who own the media are conservative. And those are two sets of people you don’t want unhappy with you. Truthful or not, you still need to be able to pay your bills.
And then there are the American people. If they are unhappy everyone else is going to be unhappy. And as last election showed, the majority of people tend to be conservative. So if CNN had someone come on to talk about the revolutionary technology seen in sex toys today, they would have a lot of upset people calling in. And not because they’re favorite toy wasn’t mentioned.
So yes, I would have to say that the media is conservative rather than liberal because it’s safer. Liberals encourage change, and change is scary and unsafe. The conservatives have a system set up for success. Their uncontroversial way is profitable and keeps most of America happy. So like the saying goes “don’t rock the boat”.

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