Friday, August 12, 2005

Gas Attack

Have you seen the price of gasoline lately? I know where you can buy whole milk for less than that. Now I just need to find a car that will run on milk.

Supply and Demand, people. Because there are so freaking many of you driving V-8 SUVs and beefy pickup trucks, the demand is higher than ever, and the price goes up.

I can also blame the airline industry, or the trucks that carry our goods on the freeway, or even the freight trains that move cargo across the country. But, honestly, there are a lot more of us than there are of them.

Fine. Drive what you like. Just stop bitching about the price of gas as long as you insist on driving a vehicle that gets less than 30 miles a gallon - and driving it more than 10 miles an hour over the speed limit - driving slower also saves gas.

Me? I'm buying a Honda Civic. And I drive like an old lady.

Because I care.

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Blogger M. B. Dezotell said...

China's increasing demand has certainly been a big factor, but the US demand is still very significant. Besides, I can't really bitch at the Chinese to downsize their gasoline usage.

The thing that gets me, actually, is that the rising gas prices are not having a greater effect on US driving habits. People still drive too fast, and large V-8 engines are as popular as ever. How expensive does fuel have to be before we decide to sell the SUV and pick out an economic compact?

I expect the price to pass $3.00 a gallon by the end of the year.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Chimera said...


Look at the Canadian price of gas and see how we compare:

As of Thursday, August 25, 2005:
1 gallon [US, liquid] = 3.7854118 liter
1 US Dollar = 1.19160 Canadian Dollar
1 Canadian Dollar (CAD) = 0.83921 US Dollar (USD

This is a very helpful website:

Now, I’m lousy at math, even with the assistance of a calculator. Numerical dyslexia. I can write down my own phone number wrong. But you can probably do this stuff in your head...

Thing is, your federal government seems to think that in the near future, the USA will be getting a lot of cheap oil and gas from Canada, Matter of fact, your Veep is up here right now, wading through protesters to see if he can nail down a commitment from us. Why protesters?

Because the US owes Canada Five Billion Dollars (yeah, that’s Billion with a capital B) in illegally-collected tariffs on softwood lumber, that’s why. Tariffs gouged out of western Canada. Guess where the oil and gas is? Western Canada.

Want to calculate the chances that the US is gonna get that cheap gas and oil?

I’m not trying to take this out on you, personally – you didn’t cause this mess. As a matter of fact, I don’t see much of anything about the softwood lumber issue being mentioned anywhere in the American media at all. Do you people not know what your government is doing? Or not doing (paying the bills) in this case?

Did you know that fully one-third of the US gets its electricity from Canada?

Just offhand, I’d say the price of gasoline is gonna go higher. ‘Way higher. Venezuela doesn’t seem to think much of your government at the moment, either...

11:18 AM  
Blogger Chimera said...

One of our local economists (Michael Levy) did a reverse comparison yesterday, and said that the price of gasoline in the US was equivalent to $0.89 per liter in Canadian dollars. Canadians are paying $1.09 per liter. That's a twenty-cent cheaper price to you guys per liter! Now calculate for the American gallon...

4:49 AM  

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