Friday, February 15, 2008

Conspiracy Overload

Sometimes it's hard to tell the facts from the opinions, truth from speculation, data from smokescreen.

For example: Alex Jones, at Infowars and in his video Endgame, talks about a conspiracy to kill or enslave most of the human race.

"For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology."

(Seriously. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tryed.)

Lots of information given, but it looks to me like the conclusions are based on flawed logic and paranoia. (My question is: With only the rich "elites" left, who's mowing the lawns, fixing the plumbing, washing the windows, installing the cables, building the summer homes, paving the streets, building the SUVs...? In other words, where is the infrastructure that supports the wealthy lifestyle? The whole concept is asinine.)

He's also a major promoter of the 9/11 Truth movement, which believes that the attacks on the WTC were actually staged by the Bush administration to allow the virtual takeover of our government and facilitate the war in Iraq.

Again, lots of carefully chosen information supporting wild speculation. No proof, just more fearmongering. (Bush obviously took advantage of the situation, but orchestrate it? Nonsense.)

This kind of thing is not helping. All Alex Jones is doing is promoting Alex Jones, and spreading mindless fear.

Get the facts, people. Dig down to the core data and draw your own conclusions, don't let people with their own agenda feed you their insanity.

That goes for me, too. Don't follow what I say blindly. Do the research, then decide for yourself.

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