Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Power Corrupts

I am a 6th generation American, and proud of it. Growing up in the United States of America, I was fed the usual patriotic propoganda, and have found over the years that not all of it was a lie. Most of it, in fact, may have been true at one time, but much has changed since the days of our founding fathers.

Personal freedom and liberty, for example, have taken a big hit in the last few years. We also used to believe that this was a classless society, but that has proven to be false from the very beginning.

Still, this is the most powerful and wealthy nation on Earth, more so now than it was when I was born in the late '50's.

But, according to historian Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

We can see that the effects of that corruption have already begun. The question is: How far will we allow it to go, before we act to stop it? And, will it be too late?

There are 3 choices that I can see:

1. Stay and fight. This will take considerable courage and resources, for the corruption is already widespread and entrenched in the system. But, I don't believe we have passed the point of no return, so there is hope.

2. Get out while you can. For those who chose not to fight against the odds. Canada, I hear, is a very comfortable alternative, but they have their own problems as well. Not the least of which is a very noisy neighbor who is steadily going insane.

3. Stay and adapt. Even Nazi Germany was an okay place to live until the end, if you were a Nazi.

Make no mistake. We are very close to Fascism right now, and getting closer daily. Going against the rising tide of corruption will take a lot of people working very hard.

I'm not advocating revolution, and rioting in the streets will not solve anything - it just gives them an excuse to take away more of your liberties.

Start by using the system as it was meant to be used. Vote the bastards out. Stop believing the lies. Question authority - and keep asking questions until you get a real answer.

And, most importantly, do not EVER sell your freedom for a false sense of security. The media is going to do everything possible to frighten you - and the herd mentality will instinctively look for a leader to follow, to lead you away from the danger. That is how dictators are born. Don't let fear determine your actions - ACT, don't REACT. If you let those in power push your buttons (and they know which ones to push - that's how they got the power in the first place), then you are lost.

THINK! Don't follow blindly. If you keep giving away your freedom and power, the day will come when you have none.

On that dark day, the United States of America will exist in name only.

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