Monday, January 02, 2006


Survived another year? Good for us!

That's for the glass-half-full crowd. For me, I look at it as another year closer to the eventual end of the world, not to mention one year closer to death for me.

We still have things to worry about:

-- A rampaging budget deficit that shows no sign of slowing the United States' descent into national bankruptsy.

-- We still have a President who lacks any resemblance of common sense or decency. They tried to impeach Clinton for less (Getting a bj in the White House, and lying about it, has no comparison to starting a war on false pretenses - and then lying about it).

-- The media still seems to be more focused on Hollywood gossip than hardline reporting of events that effect the nation. Where are the Woodwards and Bernsteins for this generation?

-- The poor are still getting poorer and the rich are still getting richer. Granted, this has been the way of the world since the days of Babylon and Sumer, but the rate seems to be accellerating at an unprecidented pace.

-- We have 6 more years before the start of the next Mega-Ice Age, unless it is counter-acted by Global Warming (though there is some evidence that Global Warming might actually trigger an Ice Age - the debate continues...).

This is just my opinion, of course. You don't have to worry about any of this stuff.

Have some more bread, and enjoy the circus.

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