Friday, November 30, 2007

Adding injury to insult

This is getting ridiculous.

First a cartoon, now a teddy bear's name.

And let's not even talk about the women who are punished for being raped.

There is no need for a vast "Western Conspiracy to Discredit Islam". Islam is doing a fine job all by itself.

EDIT 12/05/07:
I am relieved to hear that Gillian Gibbons, the teacher with the teddy bear, is now home and safe. I noticed that the local Islamic communities in Great Britain have been very supportive of her, and swift to condemn the actions of the Sudanese government.

In perspective, the problem is not with Islam, as I seemed to imply with my statement above. The problem lies with the extremists, regardless of their religious posturing. Calling for the death of an individual for a perceived insult is in no way religious. The pious do not hate. The faithful do not call for anyone's death. They speak of tolerance and forgiveness.

Those who hate often use a mask of religion to cover their actions. The hood of the KKK and their burning crosses are no different. They use the Word like a weapon, but take it out of context. They bend and twist their faith to fit their human anger, and have lost the meaning.

Faith can be a powerful weapon in the hands of madmen. This is not the fault of the faith or the faithful, at least not directly. The problem is that it is often hard to tell the difference between the true faithful and the madmen.

Let's see if we can simplify the issue: Anyone who uses the word "hate" in regards to... well... anything, is not a religious person, and should not be allowed to protect themselves under the mantle of faith. Don't be fooled by the number of beads they carry or the robes they wear. How many times they pray is irrelevant. The true test of faith is in their words and deeds.

The task falls upon the faithful themselves. Stop tolerating madmen speaking for you. Don't let them get away with it. Speak up!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Saw this book in the store last week, bought it on impulse (I've enjoyed most of Dr. Crichton's work so far), and spent the next 3 consecutive nights reading it. Since then, I've been swishing the concepts back and forth in my mind.

I'm not sure I agree with all of the conclusions he comes to, and the style of writing was a bit confusing to me at first, but overall I think the story was good. It certainly sparked thought.

My first conclusion: I fully support his argument to ban all gene patents. This is a trend which can only lead to disaster.

Second: I do not want a puppy that never grows up.

Third: I would like to learn more about African Grey Parrots. I don't think I would like to own one, since they require as much care as a human child, if not more. But, the idea of a bird with intelligence as great as a chimpanzee is intriguing.

Again, a good read. I recommend it.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007


Here in the USA, we call this Veterans' Day. In Canada they call it Remembrance Day.

For most people, it is just another National Holiday. Some will get to take the day off. Sometimes there is a parade that blocks a street. Whatever. It is just another day.

For those who wore the uniform, or wear it today, or had a loved one that wore it, this day is a special one.

We remember.

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Got Gas? (Part 2)

Just in time for Veteran's Day, gasoline prices have again risen above $3.00/gallon.

As usual, prices in Bellingham are higher than most other places.

Some people see this as a sign of impending doom.

Some see it as a blessing.

I think we need more research on the subject. Stay tuned.


Monday, November 05, 2007

Civilized Behavior 101

One of the fallacies of "Political Correctness" is that all cultural traditions and religious practices should be respected, regardless of what we think of them.

That's fine for the most part. I really don't care what you sing or dance or pierce yourselves with (though, frankly, looking at facial piercings makes me nauseous).

But, religious advocation of spousal abuse is just barbaric, and is not even supported by all Islamic scholars. Christian men have tried using certain passages of the Bible to support wife beating for many years, but today it is generally seen as bad behavior. Barbaric, indeed.

Killing dolphins, likewise, is a traditional practice that should today be considered barbaric. The fact that the Bush administration doesn't support marine mammal protection, I think, further supports my statement.

And, in the light of recent studies concerning the global climate, I would like to nominate the driving of most Sport Utility Vehicles as being barbaric and uncivilized. Bigger is not always better.

Finally, please cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Spreading disease is barbaric.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled war.

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