Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This is a day to remember those who served. Those who fought and came back, as well as those who did not return. All sacrificed something, if for many it was only a few years of their lives spent wearing a uniform in a strange place, when they could have been at home with their families. Some sacrificed everything. We honor them all.

There is a special honor, however, for those who have no names carved into stone. We don't know who they were, or where their families live, or why they signed up. We only know one thing about those represented by the Tomb of Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery: They died in service to their country.

We can't thank them by name. We can't thank their families. In many cases we don't even have remains to enshrine.

All we can do is what members of the Army's 3rd United States Infantry Brigade do every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in sun and rain and snow: Honor them.
