Friday, August 12, 2005

Gas Attack

Have you seen the price of gasoline lately? I know where you can buy whole milk for less than that. Now I just need to find a car that will run on milk.

Supply and Demand, people. Because there are so freaking many of you driving V-8 SUVs and beefy pickup trucks, the demand is higher than ever, and the price goes up.

I can also blame the airline industry, or the trucks that carry our goods on the freeway, or even the freight trains that move cargo across the country. But, honestly, there are a lot more of us than there are of them.

Fine. Drive what you like. Just stop bitching about the price of gas as long as you insist on driving a vehicle that gets less than 30 miles a gallon - and driving it more than 10 miles an hour over the speed limit - driving slower also saves gas.

Me? I'm buying a Honda Civic. And I drive like an old lady.

Because I care.

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